정 웅인
Jung Woong In


year of Birth1971


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Foul King 반칙왕 2000 3.61 39 available medias for this movie
The Quiet Family 조용한 가족 1998 3.39 33 available medias for this movie
My Boss, My Hero 두사부일체 2001 3.24 26 available medias for this movie
My Boss My Teacher 투사부일체 2006 3.12 8 available medias for this movie
The Magicians 마법사[들] 2005 4.12 6
2424 2002 2.55 5 available medias for this movie
Mr. Wacky 생날선생 2006 1.62 4 available medias for this movie
Don't Tell Papa 돈 텔 파파 2004 3.25 3 available medias for this movie
City of Damnation 유감스러운 도시 2009 1.75 2
The Circle 써클 2003 2.38 2 available medias for this movie
The prison 2017 2.5 1
Coffee House (TV) 커피하우스 2010 available medias for this movie
Last Scandal (TV) 마지막 스캔들 2008 available medias for this movie
Santamaria 잘못된 만남 2008
Beijing Restaurant 북경반점 1999 available medias for this movie


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