
857 grades, Average grade: 3

Work Date Grade
Hong-Kong | Japan | Anime | Other asian countries | Expatriates | All the sections | Year:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

GI Joe, Rise of the Cobra 3.75
The Gingko Bed 2.50
Godzilla 1.00
Godzilla 0.50
Godzilla : Resurgence 0.75
Gokudo Wives 1 : Wives of the yakuza 2.50
The Golden Swallow 3.75
Gong Tau, An Oriental Black Magic 1.00
Gonin 2 2.75
The Good, the Bad, and the Weird 4.00
Gorgeous 1.75
Gozu 0.00
Grave of the Fireflies 4.00
Green Snake 2008/11 5.00
Gunmen 3.75
Guns and Talks 3.50
Hana Bi 2.00
Hansel and Gretel 3.00
Hanzo the Razor 2: The Snare 3.00
Hap Ki Do 2.50
The Happening 1.50
The Happiness of the Katakuris 0.75
Happy Together 0.00
Hara Kiri 4.75
Hard Boiled 5.00
The Hard Corps 2.00
Hard Target 3.25
Harp of Burma 3.00
Have Sword, Will Travel 3.00
Heart of Dragon 4.25
Heat Wave 3.25
Heavenly Mission 1.25
In Hell 3.75
Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms 3.00
Her Name is Cat 2.00
Her Vengeance 2.50
Hero 2.75
Hero 3.25
A Hero Never Dies 4.25
Hero Shed no Tears 3.25
Heroes of the East 3.25
Heroic Duo 2008/11 2.75
Heroic Ones 2.75
Heroic Trio 2008/11 4.00
The Hidden Fortress 3.50
High and Low 4.50
High Risk 3.00
Highlander: Search for Vengeance 3.25
Hit Team 3.00
Hitman 3.00
Hong Kong 1941 2.50
The Host 4.50
House of Flying Daggers 2009/01 3.75
House of Fury 1.00
The Housemaid 3.50
Howl's Moving Castle 1.00
The Hulk 2.75
Human Condition 1.75
Human condition 2 1.75
Human Condition 3 1.75
Human Lanterns 4.00
Hunter in the Dark 2008/12 4.00
I Saw The Devil 4.50
I'm a cyborg, but that's ok! 1.75
Iceman Cometh 2.75
Ichi 1.75
The Idiot 2.50
In the line of duty 3 2008/10 3.00
In the line of duty 4 2008/10 3.50
In the Mood for Love 4.00
In the name of the king 1.50
Inception 4.50
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 5.00
Infection 3.00
Infernal Affairs 5.00
Infernal Affairs 2 4.75
Infernal Affairs 3 2.75
Inferno 2.50
Initial-D 2008/10 2.00
The Inspector Wears Skirts 2.50
Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan 4.75
Into the Mirror 0.75
Into the Sun 1.00
Invisible Target 3.75
Invitation Only 2.00
Ip Man 4.50
Ip Man 2 3.75
Iron Fisted Monk 4.00
Iron Monkey 4.75
Island of Fire 3.75
Jade Tiger 3.50
Jiang Hu 3.50
Jiang Hu - The Triad Zone 3.00
Jija - Raging Phoenix 3.00
JSA 4.75
Just Heroes 3.75
K-20: Legend of the Mask 3.75
Kickboxer 2.50
Kids Return 4.00
Kill ! 3.75

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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