Neon Genesis Evangelion III

Album info
Title Neon Genesis Evangelion III
Year 1995
Description Bande Originale
authorSAGISU Shiro
Genre Instrumental
Product info
Distributor King Records
Version CD
Reference KICA-300
Album tracks
1Shiawase wa Tsumi no Nio i
2Mugen Hooyoo
3Normal Blood
4Harbinger of Tragedy
5Childhood Memories, Shut Away
6Those women Longed for the Touch of Other's Lips
7Background Music II
8Background Music III
9In the Depths of Human Hearts
10Hostility Restrained
11Three of Me, One of Someone Else
12Crime of Innocence
13The Sorrow of Losing the Object of One's Dependanc
14Do You Love Me
15Separation Anxiety
18Splitting of the Breast
19Infantile Dependance, Adult Dependancy
20Mother is the First Other
21The Heady Feeling of Freedom
22Good, or Don't Be
23Fly me to the Moon (Takahashi Yooko)
24Fly me to the Moon (4 Beat)
25Fly me to the Moon (Aya Bossa Techno)
26Fly me to the Moon (Acid Bossa)
27Fly me to the Moon (4 Beat off Vocal)
28Fly me to the Moon (Off Vocal)
29Fly me to the Moon (Aki Jungle)
30Fly me to the Moon (B-22A Type)
31- Fly me to the Moon (Rei Version I)
32Fly me to the Moon (Rei Version II)
33Fly me to the Moon (Rei Version III)
34Fly me to the Moon (Aya London Beat)
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