
658 notes, Moyenne: 2.88

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Dr Wai 3.25
Tears and Triumph 1.75
Hara Kiri 3.50
Martial Angels 1.00
Le Jeu de la Mort 1.50
The Peeping 2.00
Le Marin des Mers de Chine 3.25
The Crow 3.50
Police Confidential 3.25
In the Mood for Love 2.00
Penitentiary Angel 1.00
Chinese Erotic Ghost Story 1.00
Horror Hotline... Big Head Monster 3.50
Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan 2.00
Three: Going Home 3.50
Lan Yu, histoire d'hommes à Pékin 3.00
Hope to Have a Home 3.75
Heroic Duo 2.00
Floating Landscape 4.00
Star Runner 3.50
Anna in Kung Fu Land 3.50
The Terracotta Warrior 2.00
Gonin 3.25
If you care 1.25
She shoots straight 3.25
The Lion Roars 1.75
Black Cat in Jail 2.75
Yes Madam ! 2.00
Oasis 3.50
King of Comedy 4.00
Lover's Concerto 4.00
What a Wonderful World 3.00
Love Correction 3.50
Nomad 1.25
Sur la trace du serpent 4.00
Ditto 3.50
Adieu ma concubine 3.00
Her Fatal Ways 1.25
Prince of Temple Street 1.00
Mon voisin Totoro 3.00
Women's Private Parts 3.00
Love Unto Wastes 4.00
L' Arnaqueur de Hong Kong 3.50
Brother of Darkness 2.00
All About Ah-Long 3.25
April Story 2.75
First Shot 2.00
L' Enfer des Armes 2.00
Comrades, Almost a Love Story 3.50
Rouge 3.75
Le Syndicat du Crime 2 1.50
Le Syndicat du Crime 3 2.00
Postman Strikes Back 1.50
Chasse à l'homme 2.00
Victim 3.25
Mystery Train 4.00
Ichi The Killer 2.00
X Men 3.00
The Legend of a Professional 1.50
The Adventurers 3.75
Dummy Mommy, without a Baby 4.00
Le Prince et l'Arnaqueur 2.00
City of Desire 3.50
Hana-Bi 5.00
Young and Dangerous 4 3.50
La Fureur du Dragon 2.25
The Wall 3.50
Big Brother 3.00
Love au Zen 4.00
Perfect Blue 3.25
Headlines 4.00
Brooklyn Boogie 3.50
2002 2.50
8 femmes et demie 3.00
Three: Memories 3.00
Enter The Phoenix 2.00
Good Times, Bed Times 2.00
Infernal Affairs 2 3.25
Lost In Time 2.75
Xanda 2.00
Taxi Hunter 3.75
Lavender 2.00
Zu, Les Guerriers de la montagne magique 3.25
My Left Eye Sees Ghosts 4.00
Peking Opera Blues 4.50
Roaring Wheels 2.50
Phantom of Snake 3.00
Metropolis 3.00
Flaming Brothers 2.50
Task Force 4.50
Anna Magdalena 4.50
Double Tap 3.00
Rave Party 4.00
Vengeance is Mine 2.50
Doctor No... 3.50
Qiu Ju 3.25
Queenie & King The Lovers 3.50
Golden Chicken 3.00
A True Mob Story 4.00
Cheap Killers 3.50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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